Metamask® Login - A crypto wallet & gateway to blockchain apps

Are you curious about how to change the unlock password of your MetaMask Extension? If yes, then start the process by following the instructions mentioned in the next section. But, before you start make sure that you know about the current password of your wallet or seed phrase.

So first of all, launch the MetaMask Wallet Extension in your preferred web browser and then unlock your wallet by using your current password. Once you are logged in, go ahead to the “Security and Privacy” section under the “Settings” menu and then hit on “Reveal SRP”. Then, answer some questions and again enter your password to copy or note down your seed phrase. Now, lock your wallet and then hit on “Forgot Password?” In the last step, you just need to paste or type the entire seed phrase in the required boxes and then you can create a new password that you will use to unlock your wallet.